Hull neighbours win £3 million
04 May 2020
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520 people in Hull have each landed a share of £3 million after their postcode sector, HU3 6, was announced as the winner of People’s Postcode Lottery’s monthly Postcode Millions prize.
Two neighbours will each receive a cheque for £198,355 thanks to playing with the full winning postcode, HU3 6QQ.
They both found out about their wins on video calls with People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador Danyl Johnson.
55-year-old Michael Woodhouse, who is usually a pub DJ and is currently volunteering in a local food store, was joined by his partner Becky Jones when he found out he’d landed the top prize.
Michael said: "Never! Oh my word. That is a staggering amount – staggering. I’d have been happy with £2,000 but this is life-changing.
"We’ll make sure our families are looked after first of all - I’ll help out my twin girls, and we’ll help our friends out too."
Despite having just moved house, and luckily winning the prize just before he’d updated his address with the Postcode Lottery, the first thing on Michael’s mind when asked what he’d buy for himself with the money was a house so he could buy a place rather than renting – but only after picking up a bottle of champagne from the local shop to celebrate.

Michael signed up to play People’s Postcode Lottery because of the money that goes to charity.
He said: "I liked that it went to lots of causes because I do a lot for charity myself. I’m volunteering at the moment for a local food store, helping people access everyday items that can be hard to get and delivering them to people who can’t get out.
"It’s been challenging but there are lots of nice people. Everyone in this area is lovely and there is already a community spirit here. I know the win will help everyone so much."
Caroline Davis, 44, who works in the restaurant at Debenhams, also landed the top prize of £198,355 and was equally as surprised.
After screaming in shock, Caroline said: "Oh my! I was not expecting that much.
"I haven’t got a clue what I’ll do with it. I’ll have a massive party when lockdown’s over! There’s so much I could do with that amount of money - I’ll treat my mum and dad, they’ve done so much for me, and I’ll start learning to drive and get my motorbike on the road."

The remaining 518 Hull winners have netted cheques ranging from £4,535 all the way up to £13,605, depending on how many tickets they play with.
People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador Danyl Johnson said: "Massive congratulations to Michael and Caroline, and to all of our other winners in HU3 6!
"It was such a pleasure to present Michael and Caroline with their cheques – even if it was over video call this time – and it was incredible to hear how both of them thought first of how they could help friends and family with the win. I hope they both treat themselves too.
"It sounds like the neighbourhood is a great community and it would be fantastic to hear more from our other winners in the area since we couldn’t meet them in person. When you receive your cheque, share a picture with us on social media and let us know how you’re going to spend the money!"
It’s not just players who win with People’s Postcode Lottery – good causes win too. With a minimum of 32% from each ticket going to charity, players have raised more than £500 million for thousands of charities and good causes.
This month’s Postcode Millions draw was held on behalf of Postcode Children Trust, which supports charities and good causes which are inspiring and supporting children and young people to make the most of their lives and opportunities within their communities. Children 1st, Magic Breakfast and Whizz-Kidz are just a few of the charities which benefit from Postcode Children Trust funding.
Local charities have benefitted from funding raised by players too. The Goodwin Development Trust was awarded £15,000 last year to provide a minibus service for people in the local community to improve community inclusion and social wellbeing, and Hull FC Rugby Community Sports and Education Foundation was awarded £16,000 to give young people living in supported-accommodation in Hull access to a unique personal development programme.